Matting Division
Matting provides a stable work surface while minimizing ground disturbance and downtime due to unpredictable weather.
We can provide:
- Access (also called “Swamp Mats”) : 3 Ply 8’x 14’ Wood Mats (Oak/Hybrid)
- Rig Mats Steel Frame 8’x20’, 8’x40’
- Steel Ramps: 8’ wide
- Mobilization / Demobilization (inc. Placement & Staging, Pickup, Hauling, Equipment, Men, Trucks & Supervision)
- Equipment & Mat Transportation
- Clean &/or Sterilized Mats for sensitive areas
Here are some examples of Matting Uses:
- Access Road
- Lease Sites
- Drilling Pads
- Pipeline Crossings
- Creek Crossings
- Staging Areas
- Helicopter Pads
- Tank Farms
- Campsites
- Walkways
- Sensitive Environmental Areas
- Livestock Waterer Pads
- Livestock Trail Crossings
Approximate weight and measurement.
Oak Mat Specifications
8' x 14' x 5 5/8"
2,800 lbs
Super B Load
32 mats/load
Hybrid Mat Specifications
8' x 14' x 5 1/8"
1,800 lbs
Super B Load
50 mats/load
Steel Frame Rig Mat Specifications
8' x 20'
8' x 40'
4,500 lbs
9,000 lbs
Super B Load
20 on Super B (20' only)
7 on Tridem (40')
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